The Formation of Military Applied Skills of Higher Education Students in the Process of Physical Education
reserve officers, higher education institution, physical education, military applied skillsAbstract
Maintaining a high level of combat capability of servicemen is the primary task of the Armed Forces in order to successfully perform tasks as assigned. The professional activity of officers imposes new requirements that graduates of reserve officer training departments have not faced in everyday life before. First of all, it is a constant readiness to perform tasks of military- professional activity at any time and under any conditions. Thus, the formation of applied military skills of higher education students in the process of physical education, which will allow optimizing the process of adaptation of KPOZ graduates to the conditions of military activity and the performance of combat tasks, remains an urgent issue. The purpose to determine the effectiveness of the influence of physical education on the formation of military-applied skills of students of higher education institutions studying at the reserve officer training department. Methods – analysis of scientific and methodological literature, testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It was revealed that the results obtained during the testing of students` physical training do not meet the requirements of the instruction on physical fitness in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for graduates of higher education institutions. At the same time, the analysis of the entrance exams for physical training of students for the military department revealed that all students during the tests demonstrated positive results in physical training. Conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to find out that officers who received higher education in institutions of higher education and at the same time studied under the reserve officer training program have low results in physical fitness. In addition, they were unable to organize and conduct physical training with subordinate staff. This is due to the previously unresolved problems of the military education system, the commanders and chiefs of various levels tried to solve the problematic issues of the low level of general military training of reserve officers by increasing the quality and volume of professional training.
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