The Impact of Exercises on the Functional Status and Efficiency of Servicemen – Military Veterans
veteran, combat operations, trauma, physical exercises, factor analysis, efficiency, functional stateAbstract
Maintaining and ensuring a high level of combat capability of servicemen is a necessary and sufficient stipulation for their successful task performance of protecting our state. The professional activity of servicemen is characterized by increased physical and mental stress, the impact on the functional state and efficiency of servicemen, their tasks performance in special conditions interrelated with risk to life and health. Physical training is not only an important factor on which the professional realization of servicemen depends, but also affects the performance of combat missions. Due to the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in hostilities, the number of servicemen – military veterans has increased. Most of them have physical and psychological disorders in health and functional status. It is necessary to look for means, methods and physical training programs that would support their professional efficiency. The purpose of the research is to study the mechanisms of the positive influence of corrective gymnastics on the functional state and efficiency of servicemen – military veterans. Methods – analysis of scientific and methodological literature, testing, pedagogical experiment, factor analysis methods. Results. Factor analysis determined that after the pedagogical experiment the factor structure of matrices changed significantly, especially for the first and second factors. The factor, which has been interpreted as a pathology of the cardiovascular system, after the experiment became the second most important contribution, and in the first place came the factor of psychomotor skills. Conclusions. Research has proved that exercises has a positive effect on improving the functional status and efficiency of servicemen having combat injuries or health issues as a result of participation in hostilities. It has been proven that all servicemen, regardless of age, specialty, location and health, should exercise regularly.
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