Influence of Crossfit on Indicators of Physical Development, Functional Condition and Physical Health of High School Students of Higher
cadet, crossfit, physical development, functional state, physical healthAbstract
The participation of structural subdivisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the ongoing military conflict on the territory of the state makes significant demands on the training of servicemen. Military experts believe that the most effective way to form the combat readiness of units is the quality training of cadets in military institutions of higher education.
Improving the physical fitness of cadets, especially in conditions of insufficient level of development of physical qualities in young people enteringin the military institutions of higher education, requires the search for new technologies in the organization of physical training and sports and mass work of cadets. Rapidly developing sports are effective in the urgent improvement of general physical qualities, are popular among various segments of the population in the world, scientists include crossfit. The basic methodological principles of this sport were borrowed from one of the common areas of fitness, which was founded in 2000 in the US Armed Forces. Crossfit uses multi-joint, energy- intensive movements that combine into a continuous set of exercises involving your own weight, special devices, tools and cyclic exercises. The purpose – analysis and study of the impact of crossfit on the indicators of physical development, functional status and physical health of cadets. Methods – analysis of scientific and methodical literature, testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The comparative analysis revealed that there is no significant difference between the control and experimental groups in almost all indicators (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, Robinson's index, Robinson's index, physical condition index) except for the step test. Significant difference between the two groups of step test is t = 8.43; p <0.001. After measuring the above indicators and mathematical calculations, it was found that the level of health of cadets engaged in crossfit corresponds to the average level (9.13 points, and cadets engaged in other sports – 8.38 points (average level). Conclusions. Studies have shown that cross-fit cadets have better physical health than cadets.
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