Analysis of the Applicants` Physical Preparedness Dynamics to Higher Military Education Institutions of Different Years of Admission
cadets, PE, physical preparedness, military capabilityAbstract
Topicality. Physical preparedness is an important precondition for the military-professional formation of a future officer. Studies of military scientists prove that the level of a significant number of applicants for military educational institutions does not meet the requirements of cadets' combat training activities and its level is insufficient for their successful military professional skills formation. Physical Education (PE) of cadets allows increase their physical preparedness only to the minimum required level, which quickly decreases immediately after the cadet graduates from the high military institutions. Analysis of the applicants` physical preparedness dynamics to higher military education institutions of the last 25 years should help to realize the scale and depth of this issue and start looking for possible ways to solve it. Purpose of the Research is to study the applicants` physical preparedness dynamics to higher military education institutions over a long period of time, as a factor that determines the success of solving the problems of cadets` physical improvement. Methods of the Research. Analysis of guidelines for physical training, research papers and literary sources, testing of the main indicators of the applicants` physical preparedness, in particular speed, strength and endurance (100 meters race, pull-up bar, 300 meters race) and methods of mathematical statistics have been used for determine the reliability of the obtained test results. During the study, the applicants` results of PE exams of 1995–2020 were analyzed with five years interval. Results. During the research period, all indicators of applicants` physical preparedness experienceed a significant decrease: speed indicators – by an average of 1.06 s, strength – by 2.64 times (t=9,59; p<0,001), endurance – by 91s (t=6,81; p<0,001). Average indicators of general physical preparedness decreased by 13,5 % (p≤0,05). And it is at the lower limit of the «satisfacto- ry» rating. The number of individuals who are unable to meet the established standards for physical preparedness increased from 22,3 % of applicants in 1995 to 48,5 % in 2020. Conclusions. PE in the country (education and profess- sional levels) cannot improve physical training of young people – potential defenders of the state. PE levels and, first of all, PE of the cadets, in order to ensure the necessary level, need radical changes aimed at improving PE of future officers.
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