The Influence of Occupiing Military Sports Multi-Wrestling on the Development of the Main Indicators of Warriors
military-sports all-around, psychological state, cadetsAbstract
The modern level of development of physical training and the requirements it puts forward for a developing person require the maximum mobilization of the defender’s physical and mental forces, professional training for the successful completion of assigned tasks. It is known that military and sports all-arounds ensure the effective development of the necessary physical qualities, which are later used in the performance of assigned tasks. Military sports all-around are an effective means of physical development of basic physical qualities and training in self-defense skills, as well as provide the ability to quickly react to a suddenly changing situation, gaining confidence and determination in one’s own strength. That is why they should be organically combined with traditional means of physical training of future specialists in the matter of forming the military-professional physical culture of the individual. The article is devoted to the topical issue of correcting the situational characteristics of the activity, which consists in the uncertainty of its outcome and possible adverse consequences in case of failure of cadets of higher military educational institutions. The purpose of the work is to investigate the influence of military-sports all-around training on indicators of professionally important psychological indicators of cadets of higher military educational institutions. Methods – analysis of scientific and methodical literature, psychodiagnostic testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. The study included 74 cadets of the control group, who studied according to the current system of physical training, and 47 cadets of the experimental group, who were engaged in the military-sports all-around section. The age of the subjects is from 17 to 26 years. In the course of the experiment, a study of indicators of the degree of readiness for risk was carried out. During the experiment, there was a statistically significant improvement in the average values of this indicator among EG cadets (р<0,05). Conclusions. According to the results of the study, there was an improvement in indicators of readiness for risk. This testifies to the expediency of using the means of military-sports all-around to correct the psychological indicators of those who have obtained a higher military education.
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