An Analysis of Health Level of Military High Institutions Applicants
health level assessment, cadets, higher military education institutionsAbstract
Topicality. A necessary condition for the cadets` success combat training in military higher educational institutions (HEIs) is the functional status and the health level of the applicants. Scholars claim that the health of young Ukrainians is gradually deteriorating. The Research Purpose is to determine the anthropometric and medico-biological indicators and the somatic health level of military HEIs applicants. Materials and Methods. The research was carried out for three years at Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University. Three groups of applicants were observed, a total amount was 232 cadets. The average age of respondents was 18,4 years. Anthropo- metric (measurement of anthropometric indicators) and medical-biological (dynamometry, spirometry, rhythmva- sometry, electromanometry) research methods were applied. On the base of the results of anthropometric and medical- biological measurements, the weight-growth, vital, strength indexes and the Robinson index were determined. In addition, the strength indicators of the hand muscles were determined by the dynamometry method (the average value between the results of the right and left hands was chosen) and the time of the heart rate recovery to the normal state after 20 squats in 30 s. The somatic health level was determined according to the G. Apanasenko express assessment method. Results. The applicants` somatic health level has evidenced a gradual deterioration. The difference of indicators for 2019 and 2021 representatives is 11,9 % and it is statistically reliable. A comparative analysis of applicants` health level assessments over three years demonstrated a complete absence of «above average» ratings among applicants of the 2021, a gradual decrease of the number of «average» ratings (from 28 % in 2019 to 18 % in 2021) and a significant increase number of «below average» ratings (from 64 % in 2019 to 74 % in 2021). Findings. Over the past three years, there has been a gradual deterioration of the health level of applicants to military HEIs.
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