Study of the Level of Physical Health of 10th Graders of the Sports Profile Lyceum
physical development, assessment of the level of physical health, specialized secondary educationAbstract
Educational and training process in specialized sports profile educational institutions needs a systematic health level analysis of young athletes. The Aim of the Study is to determine the level of physical health of 10th-grade students of a lyceum of a specialized sports education institution and to investigate its dynamics over a three-year period. Research Methods and Organization. The study participants are three control groups of boys from the 2020, 2021, and 2022 cohorts. The total number of respondents was 210 (65, 81, and 64 schoolboys, according to the years of the study). The average age of the representatives is 15,46 ± 0,06 years. The research was conducted during 2020–2022 on the basis of the general education lyceum of the Kharkiv Professional College of Sports. Anthropometric and medico-biological indicators of 10th-grade students of the lyceum were studied for three years. To assess the level of physical health of students, the method of express assessment of the level of physical health by H. L. Apanasenko was used. Where the results of anthropometric and medico-biological measurements are taken into account, according to which the weight-height, vital, strength indices and the Robinson index are determined. One-dimensional statistical analysis according to the Student’s t-test was chosen to establish patterns discovered in the process of research and hypothesis testing. Research Results. The results of the study showed that the level of physical health of 10th-grade students of a lyceum of a specialized sports education institution in 2020–2022 has a statistically significant deterioration of the indicator by 1,14 % in a consecutive comparison of three years. A comparative analysis of express assessments of the level of physical health of students showed a significantly higher number of “below average” assessments among representatives of the 2022 cohort (30 %) compared to the 2021 and 2020 cohorts (14 % and 11 %, respectively). There has also been a gradual decrease in the number of representatives with an “above average” rating over the three years: 25 % for the 2020 intake, 15 % in 2021 and only 6 % of the 2022 intake. Conclusion. The obtained data on the level of physical health of 10th-grade students of a lyceum of a specialized sports education institution in 2020–2022 shows a general trend of a gradual deterioration of the health of high school-age youth in Ukraine.
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