Peculiarities of Physical Development and Physical Preparation of Senior Pupils
senior pupils, physical development, physical preparation, general education institutionsAbstract
Actuality. The current level of the development of the society outlines the scientific problems related to the health maintenance of senior pupils and their physical condition, which is defined by a set of interrelated characteristics: among them, physical development, and physical preparation. Solving the problem of health maintenance, and ensuring the harmonious development of a personality at school are defined as the topical issues that have a great practical value. In this regard, physical education as the foundation of children’s health maintenance faces new challenges that require the development of modern innovative technologies in the organization of physical education at schools. Aim: to determine the level of physical development and physical preparation of senior pupils. The research was carried out at secondary schools in Lutsk; 385 senior pupils took part in it. The results revealed that the physical development of the senior pupils in terms of body length and weight, circumference of the body were within limits, but the decrease in the pupils’ chest excursion was stated, which was 6,83 cm in the 16 year-old boys and 6,72 cm in the 17 year-old boys. The probable changes in physical development parameters were not found during the learning process. Sufficient level of academic achievements was fixed in terms of strength and speed-strength qualities in the senior pupils. Low or medium level of physical preparation was revealed in the development of speed, flexibility, endurance and agility. This state of the development of pupils’ physical qualities is typical of most regions in Ukraine, and it causes the need to improve methods and forms of lessons, sports, and recreational activities for senior pupils.References
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