Lifestyle Peculiarities of Servicemen Suffered a Contusion as a Factor Influencing a Combat Preparedness
servicemen, contusion, recovery, physical education, hypodynamia, combat preparednessAbstract
Topicality. The activity of a serviceman is characterized by constant increased physical and mental stress, the impact of certain combat activity stressors, associated with constant risk to life. In turn, constant stress during specific tasks` performance, disruption of the day mode, nutrition and rest reduce the body's adaptive reserves and lead to the maladaptation syndrome, disorders of psycho-emotional status and efficiency. Physical training as the main element of combat training is an important factor depends the professional implementation of military servicemen, which provide quality combat missions, as it can ensure rapid adaptation to military service and mastery of military skills. Thus, ensuring forehanded rehabilitation and restoration of functional capabilities is a significant and topical research task of contemporary sport science. The Purpose of the Research is to investigate and analyze the peculiarities of lifestyle and the special physical qualities status of servicemen suffered a contusion as a factors influencing a combat preparedness. Research Methods – analyze of scientific literature and documentary sources, method of observation, testing and pedagogical experiment of research. Results of the Research. Studies indicate the importance of the lifestyle assessment analysis of servicemen suffered a contusion. The results of the survey indicate that the lifestyle of the vast majority of participants is not in accordance with hygienic standards (insufficient of night sleep duration, nutrition disorders, excessive duration of professional activities, etc.). There is a negative trend, which is a gradual reduction in the proportion of people with general condition by increasing the number of people with unsatisfactory condition. There are risk factors that significantly reduce the combat capability of servicemen. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the search for factors that require the organization of purposeful recreation aimed to restore the functional capabilities of servicemen.
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