Analysis of the Organizational Structure of the Management of the Physical Training System of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
physical training, combat readiness of the armed forces, management system, high performance sportsAbstract
Despite the automation and computerization of combat equipment, changes in warfare tactics, physical readiness remains an important and integral component of the individual combat readiness of servicemen, the basis for all other types of readiness. The current system of physical training is not able to ensure the physical readiness of servicemen for combat activities. And that is why it needs radical reformation. The Purpose of the Work – to analyze the management structure of the FP system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the standpoint of a systemic approach and justify possible ways of its reform. Methods of the Research – analysis and synthesis of scientific works and guiding documents on the issues under investigation. Results. The management structure of the physical training system is disclosed. It was analyzed from the standpoint of a systemic approach. It was determined that the main problem of management is that it is carried out by two governing bodies of different subordination, which do not have common goals, between which there is no interconnection and interaction, since they are elements of different, incompatible systems, each with its own specific environment – for one, combat training of troops, for the other – sports of higher achievements. Conclusions. The current structure of management of physical training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine contradicts the methodology of constructing social systems. And it is not able to ensure its effective functioning. Ways to modernize the physical training management system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are proposed.
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