Interrelation of Military Professional Training and Physical Fitness of Servicemen
combat training, military professional activity, physical training, functional state, physical condition.Abstract
Topicality. The success of military professional activity depends on the soldiers` training and education peculiarities, which must be created using the certain methods of influence and characteristics of military personnel. The conditions of combat operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the aggressor of the russian federation and the maintenance of an appropriate level of combat readiness of servicemen require new approaches to improving the means of training, education and formation of soldier`s physical and psychological readiness to act in difficult conditions in order to successfully perform military professional activities. Thus, the formation and interconnection of the military professional training tasks and servicemen`s physical fitness remains an urgent issue. The purpose to analyze and determine the impact of the development of physical qualities and military-applied skills of servicemen on the effectiveness of performing military and professional tasks. Methods. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature, testing, and methods of mathematical statistics have been used in the research. Results. It has been established that physically trained soldiers are more maneuverable on the battlefield (by 20-35%), successfully perform combat training tasks and standards (by 15-20% faster) than soldiers with a low level of physical fitness. The data obtained on the low level of combat preparedness indicate insufficient moral and psychological readiness to endure significant physical and psychological stress in a combat situation, both in combat and physical trainings. It has been found that the functional state of the body and the excellent development of basic physical qualities have a positive effect on the main indicators of combat readiness of personnel and significantly affect the results of the effective performance of military and professional activities. Conclusions. The research made it possible to find out that excellent physical condition is an integral part of the quality and successful performance of assigned tasks in accordance with the position held and the foundation of their combat readiness.
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