Algorithm For Individual Fitness Programs Constructing For High School Female Students` Independent Training



high school female students, algorithm, fitness programs, physical development, motor activity, motivation, health, independent training


Topicality. Theoretical and methodological grounds of fitness integration into the system of school physical education will increase the level of physical preparedness and interest of students in physical exercises, their
physical development, health strengthening, socialization and self-determination. Objective: to develop an algorithm for individual fitness programs constructing for high school female students in the process of independent training. Research methodology: research papers analysis, surveys, testing, medical examination of the students, pedagogical experiment. The research has been conducted on the basis of secondary schools № 17, 18, 25 in Lutsk among 206 high school female students. Research results. The algorithm for fitness
programs construction involves the identification of students` motivation, estimation of physical efficiency, medical examination, choice of motor activity program, development of methods and forms of learning, evaluation and results correction. Implementation of fitness programs into extracurricular activities of girls helped to increase motor activity of high school female students and improve their health. Conclusion. Depending on the motivation, level of physical development, health and physical preparedness of students, fitness programs have different focuses: recreational, hedonistic, preventive, health improving, correctional,
medicinal, rehabilitative, recovering, sport-oriented and developing.

Author Biography

  • Liudmyla Vashchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Algorithm For Individual Fitness Programs Constructing For High School Female Students` Independent Training. (2016). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(34), 20-25.

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