Correction Program of Schoolchildren Physical State by Means of Sports Tourism
correction program, program modules, physical training, tourism technique, orientation techniqueAbstract
Correction Program of Schoolchildren Physical State by Means of Sports Tourism. Topicality. The state of schoolchildren`s health in Ukraine is a reflection of the heavy socio-economic and political situation against the background of a high level schoolchildren`s morbidity, low level of their physical activity and motivation for regular PE classes. The attention of leading PE specialists is focused on modern forms of physical activity, the search for innovative means of PE, the transformation of approaches to PE classes’ organization. In the large range of health- improving motor activity sports, health-improving tourism occupies a special place, first of all, as complex means of various individual developments, formation of spiritual and moral values, physical perfection, socialization and professional self-determination. Purpose and Methods of the Research. The purpose of the study is to develop the correction program of schoolchildren physical state by means of sports tourism. Methods such as analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodological literature and information sources of the Internet are used; study and systematization of programs of tourist clubs of the Center of National Patriotic Education of Tourism; the analysis of the components of the variable Module for Tourism at secondary school. Results of the Research. In tourism, as in other sports, the main means of training include general training exercises, special training and competitive exercises. The correction program of schoolchildren physical state contains information-theoretical and practical modules which components are tourism technique: rope work, knot knitting, guidance and passing of technical stages, trainings over obstacles, safety measures; orientation technique: azimuth movement, line movement, movement in a specific direction, distance determination; physical training: general and special, control and self-control at each stage of its implementation. Key Findings. The correction program of schoolchildren physical state by means of sports tourism will help to improve their physical state, increase their level of physical readiness, form a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical culture and sports, as well as adapt to current living conditions.
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