From the History of the Volyn Students` Participation in Mass Gymnastic Performances
: Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute (LULSPI), mass gymnastics performance, mass sports events, performance scenarios, the 80s of the XX centuriesAbstract
Topicality. Mass gymnastics performances are a powerful spectacle that can significantly influence a person, his or her spiritual world, in particular, the world of emotions, aesthetic tastes, ethical and worldview ideas. Students have always been participants in these mass sporting events held in Volyn, and studying the experience of the past will help to find new opportunities and forms of gymnastic performances of our time. The Purpose of the Work is to highlight information about the organization and content of students` mass gymnastic performances of Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute (LULSPI) in the 80s of the XXth century. Research Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific, methodical and special literature; analysis of materials from the State Archive of Volyn Region; interviews and conversations with teachers (former students of LULSPI) who were involved in the organization of mass gymnastic performances at that time; analysis of individual mass gymnastic performances` scenarios preserved on paper media. Results of the Reserch. Organizing and conducting various mass gymnastic performances and sports festivals is just one of the ways to increase the physical activity of citizens. The article collects and analyzes information about the experience of holding mass gymnastic performances at parades and sports festivals, in which students of all existing faculties, as well as boys and girls of the Faculty of Physical Education of LULSPI took part. Particular attention is paid to the organization of preparation and conducting of performances, their chronology is highlighted, scenarios of mass sports performances are presented (description of the performance, musical accompaniment, performance time, schemes of movement and rearrangements, thematic inscriptions) of 1980, 1982, 1983. Conclusions. Since 1970, Lutsk has established a tradition of holding artistic and sports festivals, which included mass gymnastic performances. These events were mainly dedicated to Victory Day. LULSPI students were their constant participants. They demonstrated the scenario of mass gymnastic performances developed by the teachers not only for the audience, but also acquired the appropriate motor and creative skills.
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