Physical Education Physical Education Programming in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine in the 30s of the 20th Century
programmatic and normative basics, students’ physical education, educational program, historical and methodological analysisAbstract
Topicality. The key issue of the national basics of PE programmatic and normative provision is the implementation of modern educational programs that would ensure the requirements of the state in the field of harmonious development, physical and mental health according to modern realities of youth training. The Purpose of the Research was to analyze the content, structure and direction of PE educational programs for students of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the pre-war period (1931–1939). The Research Methods. Study and analysis of literary sources, official documents; methods of historical and comparative analysis. The Research Results. The analysis included eight programs that were in effect from 1931 to 1940. In the programs, the following сhapters are distinguished: organizational and methodical instructions, a program of theoretical issues on physical education, a program of physical exercises for all years of study, normative indiсes. In general, all these programs are distinguished by their militarization. There are military exercises in each part of the program. The study of such sports as shooting, fencing (rapier, spadroon, bayonet), English boxing, French boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, hand-to-hand combat was popular. The results of the historical and methodological research obtained by us can be used in the preparation of physical education programs for student youth. Taking into account the challenges of today and the socio-political situation, physical education should solve the task of military-applied physical training of student youth. It is worth noting the opinion that in modern programs, physical exercises and control norms of a military nature should be present as mandatory. Conclusions. Thus, the RW&D (Ready for Work and Defense) complex in the 1930s became the normative basis for Physical Education programs, which, of course, significantly changed their content, structure and, most importantly, the PE military nature tasks.
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