Structural Activity Peculiarities of the Center for National-Patriotic Education, Tourism and Local Lore of Volyn Oblast Council
Center for National-Patriotic Education, tourism, out-of-school learning, structureAbstract
Topicality. The main goal of the Volyn Oblast Tourism Center is formation of optimal conditions for implementation the state policy on an extracurricular education for schoolchildren and youth in the field of the national and patriotic education through tourism and local lore, sports and health activity, as well as research and excursion service etc. Purpose of the Research is to determine the peculiarities of the Center`s structural units interaction and to implement the characteristics of their activities` status and prospects. Methods of the Research: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature sources, generalization of research, systematization of the results and simulation methods. Results of the Research. The objectives implementation demands from the Center and its structural subdivisions the close cooperation and communication under clear democratic leadership. There also needs the support of the Department of Education and cooperation with other institutions, which should be interested in the children and youth tourism development. The Center achieves this through the logical interaction of existing structural units: the Department of National-Patriotic Education, Local Lore and Methodical Work, Department of Organizational Work; Department of Tourism and Sport Orienteering; Information and Economic Sectors; Technical Support Laboratory and Tourist Centers. Personal contacts of employees, friendliness and creating a positive emotional team background are significant factor of optimization their activities and interaction. The promising areas of the Center are: grant activities; advocacy work in educational institutions, mass media, Internet; establishing and maintaining active cooperation with organizations, institutions, enterprises involved in the development and promotion of tourism; providing the traditional mass tourist events, implementation of paid advertising. Conclusions. As it was determined, all Departments of the Center closely cooperate with each other to fulfill the main tasks of the organization. The key ones are: the Department of National-Patriotic Education, Local Lore and Methodical Work, Department of Organizational Work; Department of Tourism and Sport Orienteering; Infor- mation Sector.
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