Professional adaptation of students with various types of the nervous system in terms of pedagogical practice
Professional adaptation of students with various types of the nervous system in terms of pedagogical practiceAbstract
Topicality. The article deals with the actual problem of students professional adaptation in the conditions of pedagogical practice in institutions of general secondary education. The focus is on the individual typological features of students. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works, it was revealed that adaptation is determined by the characteristics based on the specifics of creative, educational and professional activity acquired by students in the process of learning. The aim of the study involves the investigation of students adaptation opportunities taking into account different types of nervous system in terms of pedagogical practice. Research methods. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, psychological methods of research, questionnaires, surveys, methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Results. Based on the study of scientific works, we have found that students with a strong inert and weak nervous system are characterized with constructive component domination at the beginning of their independent pedagogical practice. Basic characteristic features of practical activity of the students with a strong active nervous system is the ability to improvise and to maximize the mobilization of their acquired abilities and skills, as well as to provide creative operational decisions for the set of educational tasks. An analysis of both groups practical activities has showed that adaptation to the conditions of the practice base requires students to mobilize their adaptation opportunities. The process of adaptation potential inforcement among future teachers of physical culture, while taking into account different types of nervous system (especially the levels of excitation and inhibition processes, as well as the level of the nervous processes mobility) has some individual peculiarities in the professional activity. Conclusions. In the framework of pedagogical it was identified the factors of influence on professional adaptation among students with different typological peculiarities of the nervous system. It depends on the nature of the factors themselves, as well as on the professional and psychological features, young peoples’ physical preparation for independent work and on their attitude to work. The speed of professional adaptation process is one of the indicators of training quality growth in higher education institutions.
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