Influence of Track-And-Field Athletics and Fitness on the Aging Pace of 40–60 Years Old Women
women, aging, рreventionism, motor activityAbstract
Topicality. Scientific papers in recent years have given little coverage of the issue of comparative analysis of different physical activity types influence upon slowing down the women aging. The Research Purpose is to determine the effectiveness of track-and-field athletics and health-improving fitness upon slowing down the process of 40–60 years women`s biological aging. Methods of the Research – analysis, generalization of literary and net sources, methodology of biological age assessment by V. Voiten- ko (body weight, blood pressure, static balance studies, subjective health assessment questionnaire), and mathematical statistics. The Research Results. It was found that the average (X±σ) for the group indicators of actual biological age (ABA) in the surveyed female athletes are 32,7± 5,89 years, the corresponding biological age (CBA) – 45,4±1,31 years, the aging rate (AR) – (minus) 12,8 ± 5,34 years (p < 0,05). The value of the correlation (r) between the indicators of training experience (TE) in track-and-field athletics and biological age (BA) og\f women of 40–60 years women is 0,43. ABA indicators of the same age women, engaged in fitness are 47,2±9,64 years, CBA – 50.7±0,68 years, AR – (minus) 3,5±10,81 years. The value of the correlation (r) between BA and TE of such group women is – (minus) 0,45. Conclusions. With approximately the same passport age and training experience of 40–60 years old women, who were engaged in track-and-field athletics at the level of high achievements sports for on average 13,3±3,84 years, the aging pace is 3,7 times slower (p<0,05) than for women engaged in fitness for 9,5±3,36 years. The correlation between the average level of biological age and training experience confirms that not only physical activity experience, but also other endogenous and exogenous factors affect the slowing down of the women aging pace.
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