Historical bases of formation of gender approach in physical education


  • Tetiana Krutsevych National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • Oksana Marchenko National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • Vitalii Melnik National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine




historical aspect, gender, gender approach, physical education, sports, boys, girls


Actuality. The presented thesis outlines the key theoretical aspects and historical preconditions for the emergence of a gender approach in the physical education of schoolchildren. The correlation between the biological and personal characteristics of an individual are examined from the perspective of a “gender”. The main feature of this study is an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral approach to gender, which covers the relevant philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, sociological, legal and other aspects to its understanding. A syncretic combination of information from the theory and practice of physical education, pedagogy, psychology in the context of the organization of training and education of schoolchildren in the process of their gender socialization is noted. The aim of the study. Studying the historical bases of the formation of gender approach in the structure of development of physical culture and sports. Methods. Theoretical methods of research were used: analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization, theoretical modeling. Results. Substantiation of the research issue relevance, analyses and summarizes the data of domestic and foreign authors on the historical background of differentiated physical education of young people, establishes the essence of “gender” phenomenon, considers the historical aspect of the gender approach emergence in pedagogical science, characterizes the development of gender studies in Ukraine. By systematizing the essential content of the category “gender” in the context of psychological and pedagogical research, we ascertain its different interpretations by researchers, consider the historical aspect of the emergence of a gender approach in pedagogical science, and characterize the features of the development of gender research in Ukraine. It has been established that the factors influencing the priorities of using the gender approach in pedagogy are the debatable issues of the predominance of two paradigms: sociocultural and socio-biological, which convincingly confirms the need to attract new knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports with identifying priority areas for the impact of the targeted influence of the gender approach on the formation of values individual physical culture of schoolchildren. Conclusions. The historical aspect of the formation of a gender approach in the field of physical culture and sport has certain differences and peculiarities, which makes it a separate area of gender cognition, according to which all pedagogical and socio-cultural aspects in physical education of young people can have a gender dimension.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Historical bases of formation of gender approach in physical education. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(48), 19-31. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2019-04-19-31