Gender differences of the hierarchical structure value findings of different age pupils. National university of physical education and sport of Ukraine


  • Tetyana Krutsevych National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Yevgenij Imas National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Oksana Marchenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport



pupils, gender-related differences, physical culture, sport, girls,guys, value findings


Actuality: This article contains reviews of various aspects of gender-related problems and gender-related approach to physical education of pupils. Tasks of the article: The learning of the differences of hierarchical structure value findings of the different age youth. Methods: For examining the hierarchical structure value findings the method of M. Rockicha and questionnaires of S.Bem were used. Pupils of 5-10 forms took part in a researching.

Results of the study. It is proved that age-related aspect between male and female as common foreground value findings does exist at the same time there are significant differences in selection of terminal and instrumental values. Thus, it is evidenced about age-related changes of foreground qualities thanks to which pupils are able to achieve their goals. Phycological connection of sex in terminal and instrumental values hierarchy is also studied ( femininity,masculinity, androgyny). Differences in selection of own foreground values between boys and girls are detected. Conclusions: Interests, reasons, value findings in the sphere of physical culture, pupils’ attitude to motor-related activity should be studied, in order to shape strategy of attraction of youth to regular physical activity. Orientation to single mark of biological activity or psychosocial system can’t be the only thing in creation early mentioned system. That is why accounting of physiological and motor-functional peculiarities of pupils beside the complex of biosocial attribute is needed. Thus, it is so important that the physical education process of pupils should include gender approach.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Gender differences of the hierarchical structure value findings of different age pupils. National university of physical education and sport of Ukraine. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3 (43), 26-35.