Current Issues of Modeling, Controlling and Correcting the Physical Education System of Students with Hypokinesia


  • Andrii Chernozub Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Eduard Syvokhop Uzhgorod National University
  • Oleksandr Тymochko Uzhgorod National University



hypokinesia, load regimes, training simulation, prioritization, readaptation


Topicality. Determination of the optimal ratio of the main components that affect the load parameters is one of the urgent and at the same time unresolved issues in the modern system of physical education. Whereas, in the process of developing models of classes for students with hypokinesia, we need to consider their adaptation reserves of the body and the level of resistance to a stressful stimulus. The Aim of the Research. To determine the priority of application of main modes of loading, principles, means of strength fitness and a complex of diagnostic methods of body systems during the development of models of physical education classes for the readaptation of students with hypokinesia. Methods. The work uses the sociological survey method. Specialists in strength fitness, physical rehabilitation, and kinesiology and physical education teachers participated in the study. The total number of respondents is 240 people. The main issues are related to modeling, control and correction of physical education classes for students with hypokinesia. A comparative analysis of respondents’ answers has been carried out. The Results. It has been established that in the process of developing models of physical education classes for students with hypokinesia, the majority of interviewed physical rehabilitation specialists (66,6 %) and teachers (80 %) give priority to the use of low-intensity loads with a large volume of work in terms of aerobic energy supply. However, experts in strength fitness (73,3 %) and kinesiology (46,6 %), on the contrary, point to the need to use a high-intensity load mode with a small volume of work in conditions of anaerobic energy supply of muscle activity. 70 % of the surveyed physical education teachers consider the use of general developmental exercises to be the most effective for this category of students. Respondents from physical rehabilitation (43,3 %) and strength fitness (66,6 %) consider it a priority to use a complex of exercises on simulators in the process of developing training models. The majority of kinesiology specialists (66,6 %) believe that in this case it is necessary to use exercises with one’s body weight with a change in the kinematic characteristics of the technique. It was revealed that the main mechanism for correcting similar training models, according to the majority of experts in kinesiology (56,6 %) and strength fitness (66,7 %), is a change in the parameters of the main components of the load regime. At the same time, the majority of the interviewed physical education teachers (73,3 %) prefer to correct the training models by changing the combinations and prioritizing the use of appropriate exercises for the muscle group. Conclusions. The diversity of views of specialists in kinesiology, fitness, and physical rehabilitation on the processes of modeling, correction of the structure and content of classes, modes of physical activity for students with hypokinesia, the priority of using appropriate methods of control over the processes of adaptation to stimuli, testify to the lack of a single concept of readaptation of the body and scientifically based regularities of the ratio and relationship of the key components of the physical education system.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Current Issues of Modeling, Controlling and Correcting the Physical Education System of Students with Hypokinesia. (2024). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(66), 30-38.