Mathematical Justification of the Sports Selection of Jumpers in the Water at the Stage of Initial Training
selection, forecasting, jumps into the water, equations, criteria, evaluationAbstract
The relevance of the issue is determined by the fact that an athlete possessing genetic and physiological abilities that were discovered in time can master a complex jumping program and execute it excellently at a high technical level. Therefore, it is important to mathematically substantiate the criteria for children enrollment to the sports schools. The Purpose of the Study is to determine indicators affecting sports readiness, to calculate their prognostic significance and to form criteria for the selection of jumpers into the water at the stage of initial training. Stuff Material and Methods. The research was organized over three stages in the period from January 2020 to December 2021, with the determination of the normative assessment of technical readiness, the conduct of an ascertaining pedagogical experiment and factor analysis, the calculation of multiple regression equations relative to the total coefficient of difficulty of arbitrary jumps and the average coefficient of the complexity of jumps. 139 boys (10,98±0,1 years; range: 9–13 years) and 96 girls (11,02±0,1 years; range: 9–13 years) beginners (schoolchildren) took part in the study. The number of athletes is divided by age groups: boys – 9 years old (n=25); 10 years (n = 30); 11 years (n = 30); 12 years (n
= 31); 13 years old (n = 23); girls – 9 years old (n=16); 10 years (n=23); 11 years (n=18); 12 years (n=21); 13 years old (n=18). The study was organized and carried out with athletes of the Junior High School (Lviv) and Yantar Junior High School (Novoyavorivsk). During the educational and training meetings, testing and measuring of anthropometric indicators, determination of the speed of a simple sensorimotor reaction and conscious self-regulation of sensorimotor activity, research of vestibular stability were carried out. All measurements were taken before training in the morning and in the afternoon at 9:00 and 15:00. According to the Results of the Research, the indicators that have prognostic significance for the success of the sport`s improvement of young jumpers at the stage of improving their sports training have been determined. The total indicators of physical fitness, the nystagmus amplitude during and after turning to the right, the speed of a simple motor reaction have been included. The comprehensive assessment obtained by calculating multiple regression equations has a high prognostic value and is an effective method of predicting the success of the sport`s improvement of young jumpers at the stage of initial sports training. Conclusions. It is proved that the comprehensive assessment obtained by calculating multiple regression equations has a high prognostic value and is an effective method of predicting the success of the sport`s improvement of young jumpers at the initial sports training stage.
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