Formation of Future Physical Training Teachers’ Readiness for Animation and Group Work by Methods of Active Learning
active teaching methods, future physical training teachers, readiness for animation, and group workAbstract
Topicality. The modern educational space of higher education institution requires the dynamic use of active learning methods, the main purpose of which is to include students in future professional activities, development of practical skills, expanding their autonomy and ability to think critically. Therefore, the search for various and, most importantly, effective methods of forming the readiness of future physical training teachers for animation and group work is relevant in light of current educational trends. The purpose of the study is to characterize our own practice of using active teaching methods to form the readiness of future physical training teachers for animation and group work. Research methods: analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature, systematization of own practical experience of active teaching methods application in future physical training teachers’ professional training. Results of the research. In the process of forming the readiness of future physical training teachers for animation and group work, traditional and active teaching methods were used: brainstorming, case method, portfolio, design method, and pieces of training. Specific examples of their use in mastering the educational topics «Forms of Extracurricular Activities in Physical Training», «Current Problems of Pupils’ Physical Training Organizing in Extracurricular Activities», «Professional Skills of the Club’s Head», etc. The main advantages of active teaching methods in the future physical training teachers’ preparation for animation and group work are revealed. Conclusions. The practical use of the considered active teaching methods influences the positive formation of students’ creative and communicative abilities and contributes to the construction of the educational process through the constant students and teachers active interaction. The student acts as a «subject» of learning, performs creative tasks, enters into a dialogue with the teacher, and communicates effectively with other participants in the educational process, which contributes to the formation of a competent graduate who easily adapts to the future professional activities.
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