Essential Characteristics and Relationship Between «Motor Activity» and «Physical Activity» Concepts
physical activity, physical exercises, muscular activity, physical qualities, human healthAbstract
Topicality. Numerous scientific studies have proved the significant contribution of physical activity to the human healthy lifestyle. Today, limited physical activity is one of the factors of Ukrainian citizens` health crisis. The Purpose of the Research is to determine the essence of motor activity and physical activity concepts, to justify the relationship between them. Methods of the Research. The study used the methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of electronic database information. Results of the Research. There are different approaches to the motor activity and physical activity concepts interpretation and levels of their identification. A common current definition of motor activity is as any movement of the human body that is due to the skeletal muscles activity and is accompanied by additional energy expenditure. Specially organized motor (physical) activity is a type of motor activity within the implementation of training programs and is aimed at obtaining a new level of physical skills and abilities. Physical activity is defined as physical exercise in various PE forms. Some scientists identify physical and motor activity in the education field. The opinion in a reasonable interpretation of the analyzed human motor activity concept by M. Dutchak has been used in the research paper and is determined as «a conscious movement of the body and / or its parts in space and time, which is due to skeletal muscles, which requires additional energy expenditure and aimed at achieving a certain aim». Key Findings. Сurrently, there are various approaches to the motor activity and physical activity concepts interpretation. Their actualization proved the expediency of using the motor activity concept, while the physical activity concept – for the type of activity designation, which is based on physical exercises in various forms of physical education. Thus, human motor activity is a broader concept than the concept of physical activity.
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