Peculiarities of Teaching Physical Education and Sports Specialists to Recreational Activities in Poland
future specialists in physical education and sports, recreational activities, approaches of training, specialty and specialization, motor recreationAbstract
Nowadays in Ukraine there is a public need for specialists in physical education and sports who are capable of recreational activities, which are extremely important for promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing diseases and increasing the level of motor activity of different social groups of the population. The personality of a specialist in recreational activities is one of the most important factors in attracting people to rational motor activity. Critical understanding of the key issues of the Polish experience in training such specialists will serve the needs for the development of the national physical culture and sport. The main trends of preparation of future physical education and sports specialists for recreational activities in Poland are determined and analyzed. Theoretical methods of research were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, specification, comparison and forecasting. The comparison of normative principles of employment of physical education and sports specialists in Ukraine and Poland allowed establishing their similarity.
In Ukraine, the training of such specialists is carried out in the framework of specializations and educational programs of specialties «Secondary education (physical culture)» and «Physical culture and sports»; in Poland, respectively, within the specialization in the areas of «Physical education» and «Tourism and Recreation». Polish educational standards are described in terms of the list of knowledge, skills and competences necessary for recreational activities. The list of specialties and specializations for qualification of fitness instructor and motor recreation is determined. Examples of their implementation by Polish institutions of higher education are presented, the list of which is determined taking into account the requirements of the labor market and the opportunities available for the training of such personnel. The above qualifications can also be obtained at courses or postgraduate studies of Polish higher education institutions. The most widespread specialization within the specialty «Motor recreation»: Aquafitness; Fitness – strength exercises; Fitness – modern types of gymnastics; Correctional motor activity.
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