Interconnections of Strength Preparedness and Morphofunctional State of Youth


  • Liudmyla Cherkashyna Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Roman Cherkashyn Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University



strength preparedness, morphofunctional state, interconnections, youth


The Topicality of our Research is determined by the need to increase the strength of youth preparedness as a means of diversifying the health-improving effect on the body of youth. The purpose of the research is to define the interconnections between the strength preparedness and the morphofunctional state of youth. Methods of the research – theoretical (the analysis of psychological and pedagogical and special literature, comparison, systematization of information), empirical (anthropometric measurements, pedagogical testing, medical-biological methods), statistical methods. A correlation analysis was performed in order to study possible functional interconnections between the indicators of strength`s development and components of physical condition. Results of the Work. The data of flexion and extension of the hands in the emphasis are positively correlated with the circumference of the chest (r = 0,34), shoulder (0,47), forearm (0,37), wrist (0,34) and are negative with body length (-0,32), thickness of skin and fat folds at triceps (-0,36), under ilium bone (-0,37), the gastrocnemius muscle (-0,43). The results of arm-pumping exercises in push-up position have separate connections with other strength`s indications of youth. In particular, the obtained results are related to the data on the bent suspension (0,57), pull-up (0,62), lift up from the lying position per min (0,32), the deadlift (0,34). The deadlift is positively connected with dynamometry (0,31), the standing long jump (0,30), inclining forward from the sitting position; the bent suspension with pulling (0,64). The dynamometry of the wrist is connected with the weight of the body (0,35) and the circumference of a lower leg (0,36); the standing long jump with body length (0,31). Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that there are positive and negative connections between the strength`s preparedness, physical development and youth's functional capabilities. The revealed patterns should be taken into account in the process of planning of training classes on physical education in academic institutions.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Interconnections of Strength Preparedness and Morphofunctional State of Youth. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1 (45), 77-83.