Development of Power Qualities of Athlete-Throwers’ Groups of Increased Sportsmastery Using Crossfit Techniques


  • Oksana Savolaynen National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • Valeriy Kuznetsov Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
  • Oleksandr Valkevych Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Roman Cherkashyn Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Lyudmyla Cherkashyna Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Crossfit, power quality, strength training, track and field athletes-throwers, sporting skills enhancement, higher education institutions


Topicality of the study is caused by the introduction into the training process of students engaged in enhancement sports skills groups (the group of throw), a popular type of motor activity in Ukraine, a crossfit. The program of which includes functional complex exercises of power direction. The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally test the impact of the Crosfit program on raising the level of strength and athletic skills of the track and field athletes-throwers of higher education institutions. Results of the Research. Analyzing the results of the test at the beginning of the experiment, we have found that the control group (CG) exceeds the results of the experimental group (EG) in almost all of the indicators, but at the same time it should be noted that if we take average indicators, thus the experimental group showed results not worse than the control group. This is evident in jumping on a 50 cm pedestal for 30 seconds, also the left hand dynamometry and the flexed arm hangs, where a slight advantage was recorded. The results of the conducted researches at the end of the experiment indicate that higher percent of the increase in strength training indicators is noted at the track and field athletes-throwers of EG compared with the CG, which at the explosive force averagely was 12,25 %, accordingly at maximum strength – 6,75 % and in force endurance (static and dynamic) – 20,75 %. In addition, if at the beginning of the experiment, EG was inferior at the athletic skills with 6 results of the 3rd grade level and 2 of the 2nd grade compared to 5 results of the 3rd grade of CG and 3 results of the 2nd grade. Then at the end of the experiment there is a dynamics of increasing athletic skill at EG (7 – the 2rd grade, 1 – 1st grade) in comparison with CG (6 – 2nd grade, 2 – 3rd grade). Conclusions. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment indicate that the program for increasing the level of power qualities of the throw athletes using the means of Crosphit contributed to the development of strength, speed and power of the throw athletes and had led the throwing training process to a high-quality level.


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Olympic and professional sport

How to Cite

Development of Power Qualities of Athlete-Throwers’ Groups of Increased Sportsmastery Using Crossfit Techniques. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(46), 112-119.