Individualization of the Assessment of the Development of Motor Qualities of Young Wrestlers Basing on Somatotyping


  • Olga Bekas Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi
  • Yulia Palamarchuk Vinnitsa Humanitarian and Pedagogical College
  • Svitlana Nesterova Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi
  • Alla Sulyma Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi



evaluation criteria, physical qualities, 11–12-year-old judoists, somatotype


Topicality. The current relevance of the investigation is conditioned by the individual approach to controlling the physical preparedness of young sportsmen who are specialized in judo. The main criteria for the individualization are age, sex and somatotype. The Objectives of the Research. The results of pedagogical tests of physical qualities were carried out the complex analysis of general and special physical preparedness of 11–12-year-old judoists with different somatotypes. To conduct the correlation analysis and to establish paired interconnections between the indicators of general and special physical preparedness of 11–12-year-old judoists. To develop the criteria of assessments general and special physical preparedness of 11–12-year-old wrestlers based on the installation of their somatotypes. Methods of the research – the installation somatotype of young sportsmen was carried out according to the scheme of V. G. Shtefka, A. D. Ostrovsky in the modification of S. S. Darska (1975). This method involves the using of somatoscopy and somatometry and the distinction of four types of body structure - asthenoid, thoracic, muscular and digestive. During the pedagogical experiment, standard and special motor tests were conducted. With the help of these tests was characterized the development of physical preparedness of judoists. It has been carried out Spirmen's rank correlation analysis for installation the relationship between the investigated indicators. The scale of assessment results the motor tests is developed applying the rule of 3 sigma. Research Findings. 43 judoists aged 11–12 of thoracic, muscular and digestive somatotypes took part in the study. During the study, 22 motor tests were used which reflect the general and special preparedness of judoists. The results of 15 of them, established a statistically significant difference in judoists of different somatotypes. The judoists of the muscle somatotype have the results of sme physical tests in the vast majority. The using of complex of motor tests allowed receiving the full information about the effectiveness of the training process of young judoists. On purpose to unify the pedagogical control and to determine the most informative tests, a correlation analysis of the indicators of general and special physical preparedness of young judoists was carried out with the help of 22 motor tests. In the course of the research, great pair correlation relationships established between the parameters that characterize speed, speed force and special physical preparedness. The results of pedagogical experiment allowed to developed the scale of the results in points. Was substantiated its expediency of application in the pedagogical control of 11–12-year-old judoists with different somatotypes. The complex of test tasks has a simple technical characteristics, covers all physical abilities and their forms of manifestation to which are presented increased requirements in the sport fight. Conclusions The obtained results will allow coaches to easily carry  out scientifically based selection of the most informative tests, with the purpose of qualitative pedagogical monitoring of the development of physical qualities of 11–12-year-old wrestlers. The five-point scale, developed for assessing the results of tests of physical qualities, should be used in the process of pedagogical control over the training process of 11–12-year-old judoists, taking into consideration their somatotypes.


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Olympic and professional sport

How to Cite

Individualization of the Assessment of the Development of Motor Qualities of Young Wrestlers Basing on Somatotyping. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(42), 135-142.