Analysis of Powerlifters’ Training Process Construction Taking into Account Somatotype Based on Coaches’ Surveys
powerlifting, anthropometric indicators, training programs, sports performance, somatotypeAbstract
Relevance. Powerlifting is becoming increasingly popular, but the influence of athletes’ anthropometric characteristics on their performance remains insufficiently studied. Debates revolve around the role of physical parameters, such as body weight, proportions, and limb length, in achieving high results in powerlifting, highlighting the need for optimizing training programs. Studying the relationship between anthropometric indicators and athletic performance will not only enhance our understanding of these factors’ impact but also improve the training process, reduce injury risks, and increase overall athletic performance. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of athletes’ somatotype on their sports results and to assess the significance of anthropometric indicators for creating individualized training programs. Methods and Research Organization. A survey was conducted with 43 coaches of varying experience levels. The χ² criterion was used for statistical data processing. Results and Key Conclusions. The results indicated that the primary anthropometric characteristics influencing performance are body weight, chest circumference, and arm length. Chest circumference was the most significant for the bench press, leg length for the squat, and arm length for the deadlift. The mesomorphic component and chest circumference were significant differences between qualified and highly qualified athletes. Despite the importance of anthropometric indicators, coaches do not always use them to individualize training.
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