Estimation of Lifestyle Influence on the Risk of Vegetative-vascular Dysfunction in Adolescents



children, vegetative-vascular dysfunction, lifestyle


The topicality of the study is caused by the increasing number of noninfectious diseases, associated with unsustainable lifestyles. Objectives: to determine the structure of life factors that influence the development of vegetative-vascular dysfunction in children aged from 14 to 17 years; to propose a system of evaluation and integral index of the lifestyle factors effect on the risk of vegetativevascular dysfunction in children aged from 14 to 17 years; to analyze the results of the study using the grading assessment of the impact of lifestyle factors on the risk of vegetative-vascular dysfunction in adolescents. Methods of the work: a sociological survey and analysis of cardiovascular system functionality according to the test of Rufie 569 in children from Sumy secondary schools were made. Results of the work: it was defined that 7,13 % of pupils had low probability risk of vegetative-vascular dysfunction appearance, 23,34 % of children had lower than middle probability level of the vegetative-vascular dysfunction risk, 38,82 % of adolescents with average probability level, 24,32 % of pupils with above average probability level, 6,39 % of adolescents with high probability level of vegetative-vascular dysfunction risk. Conclusions: significant correlations between low level of cardiovascular system functional capacity according to the test of Rufie and insufficient specially organized physical activity (p<0,05), deficit of fruits, juices in food ration (p<0,05), overuse of carbohydrates food (p<0,01), non-compliance with the rules of daily exposure to fresh air (p<0,01), drinking alcohol by school children (p<0,05) were established.

Author Biography

  • Olena Savchuk, A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University



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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Estimation of Lifestyle Influence on the Risk of Vegetative-vascular Dysfunction in Adolescents. (2016). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(34), 68-75.