Algorithm of program of physical rehabilitation individualization in children 14-17 years with vegetative-vascular dysfunction


  • Olena Savchuk Sumy State University



monitoring, schoolchildren, individual approach, prenosological states, motor actvity


Novelty of reaserch: is based on absence of complex  estimation of psychological state of special medical groups pupils, suffered by vegetative-vascular dysfunction. The absence of multifaceted approach to this problem provides to incomplete solution of educational recreational tasks in school. Purpose and methods of research: Purpose of research is to improve the effectiveness of educational recreational tasks in school conditions for 14–17 years children with vegetative-vascular dysfunction by designing of algorithm program of individualization of physical rehabilitation for defined child group. It was analyzing education  software and science & methodical literature touched on approach to physical rehabilitation of 14–17 y children with vegetative-vascular dysfunction at the school. For the purpose of research of defined aim the investigation of physical educational process was performed at schools of Sumy city. For algorithm designing the methods of simplification and differentiation were used.      Results of Research and Main Conclusions: The algorithm and schemes of individual physical rehabilitation program for 14–17y of children with vegetative-vascular dysfunction was done. It gives possibility to provide individual approach through definition of integrative index of vegetative-vascular dysfunction and individual indexes of vegetative-vascular dysfunction for every child (psychogenic, somatic, risk of vegetative-vascular dysfunction formation under vital activity factors). The proposed algorithm and scheme of individual physical rehabilitation program for 14–17y children with vegetative-vascular dysfunction allow to make individual approach  based on quantitative estimation of prenosological states, improving of health state monitoring, program of motor activity reinforcement.


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Algorithm of program of physical rehabilitation individualization in children 14-17 years with vegetative-vascular dysfunction. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(42), 117-125.