Reorganization of the System of Physical Education of Students of High School: Problems and Perspectives
physical education, students, organizational psychological and pedagogical conditions, health, principles, prioritiesAbstract
In the article it is described the perspective directions of reorganization of the system of physical education in modern conditions. The content of modern organizational, psychological and pedagogical conditions of physical improvement of students is grounded. The condition and prospects of development of physical education system in higher educational establishments are analyzed; it is defined the priorities and principles of physical education system in terms of reorganization. Organizational technology of physical education of student youth which is a special example of the using of content, organizational aspects and physical education activities with specific training and specialty features, is presented. The methodology of physical improvement of students, which contributes to their prevention initiative, ability to rehabilitation and recreational preferences about their health care, is outlined. The communicative environment of physical education that encourages students to retrospective information retrieval, systematization, analysis and synthesis, accumulation of personal information bank for the preservation of their health is presented.References
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