The Historical Review of the Establishment and Development of Race Walking at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University


  • Volodymyr Yalovyk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Anton Yalovyk Ukrainian Humanitarian University



race walking, students, faculty of physical culture, sports and health, improvement of sportsmanship, indicators of athletes' achievements


Topicality. Race walking has been one of the leading educational components of athletics at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University for decades. The development of race walking at the Faculty has played a significant role in the glorification of the famous Volyn University at international competitions of various kinds. The development of race walking at the Faculty and the results of students' performances are only partially covered in the media, and they become forgotten over the years. The Aim of the study is to analyze the historical development of race walking at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Research Methods. Historical and pedagogical analysis of archival documents, reports of sports organisations (Burevisnyk, Spartak, Dynamo, Kolos), sports club of the Faculty, School of Sports and Physical Education, sports department of Volyn Regional State Administration, survey of teachers of the Faculty, coaches and heads of sports clubs, children and youth sports schools, information resources of the Internet. Results of the Study. The analysis of archival documents of the university, interviews with teachers and the university graduates, coaches of societies that continue to train speed walkers helped to reveal the peculiarities of the origin and development of race walking at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. The establishment of the Faculty of Physical Education at Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute in 1969 contributed to the development of race walking. Over the years, the faculty has trained 28 MSU, 15 MSUMC, more than 100 KMU and 5 Olympic Games participants. During this period, the students of the Faculty won 12 gold, 9 silver and 10 bronze medals at the World Summer University Games, European and World Cups and Championships. Conclusions. The historical analysis of the development of race walking at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health helped to identify certain achievements of the University students over the period of its activity.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

The Historical Review of the Establishment and Development of Race Walking at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. (2024). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(66), 03-08.