Historical Formation and Development of the Western State Olympic Training Center in Athletics


  • Volodymyr Yalovyk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Anton Yalovyk Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences




Sports training centers for athletes, athletics, Olympic sports, sports training, sports competitions.


Relevance. The State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field made a significant contribution to the development of high-achieving sports among the youth of the Western region in Ukraine. The history of the center creation in Lutsk and its further development contributed to the development of a system of training high-class athletes in Ukraine. In a short period, State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field made a significant contribution to the development of certain types of athletics and contributed to the growth of the skills of athletes and coaches and the achievement of success on the international arena. Unfortunately, the work experience of State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field is covered only in reports, and the results of its activities are not covered enough in the mass media and become forgotten. Research purpose is to analyze the historical formation and development of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field in Volyn. Research Methods. Historical-pedagogical analysis of archival documents, reports of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field, surveys of trainers and the head of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field, Internet information resources. Research Results. Analysis and summarization of reports, surveys of trainers, management staff of State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field made it possible to reveal the historical creation of the center in 2018 and its development over five years. Over the years, a system of selecting athletes for the main and alternate teams in athletics was created. This approach made it possible to select talented children and develop their abilities in five types of athletics. During the years of activity of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field, the following sportsmen were trained: 3 participants of the Olympic Games; 1 bronze medalist of the Olympics; 1 world champion and 8 prize winners; 9 European champions and five prize winners. State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field carried out training of 1 Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, 11 Masters of Sports of Ukraine, International Class, 73 Masters of Sports of Ukraine, 173 Candidates in Master of Sports of Ukraine.


Report on the activities of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field (SI WESTERN COT) in 2018. State institution West Olympic Center. Lutsk, 2021.

Report on the activities of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field (SI WESTERN COT) in 2019. State institution West Olympic Center. Lutsk, 2021.

Report on the activities of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field (SI WESTERN COT) in 2020. State institution West Olympic Center. Lutsk, 2021.

Report on the activities of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field (SI WESTERN COT) in 2021. State institution West Olympic Center. Lutsk, 2021.

Report on the activities of the State Institution West Olympic Center of Track and Field (SI WESTERN COT) in 2022. State institution West Olympic Center. Lutsk, 2021.

Volodymyr Yalovyk, Anton Yalovyk (2022). The Emergence and of Sports Association Dynamo in Volyn and its Development Trends. Physical education, sports and health culture in modern society, 2(58), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2022-02-29-34.





Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Historical Formation and Development of the Western State Olympic Training Center in Athletics. (2023). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(62), 28-34. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2023-02-28-34

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