Features of Changes in the Body Composition Indicators of Mixed Martial Arts at the Stage of Specialized Basic Training
режими навантажень, біоімпедансометрія, безжирова маса тіла, жирова маса, силова підготовка.Abstract
The Purpose of the Research is to investigate the specifics of different physical exertion effect on the indicators of athletes` body composition during the specialized basic Mixed martial arts (MMA) training period. Methods. 75 athletes took part in the study. The athletes were divided into three groups of the same type in terms of the number of participants. The representatives of the examined group used physical activity of different volume, intensity, and energy supply during resistance training. Using bioimpedance methods, the change in the athletes` body composition indicators was evaluated, in particular fat, fat-free, dry cellular and active muscle mass. Nonparametric method was used for the results assessment. The Results. Thus, the athletes of the 1st group using the basic training regimen (Rа=0,53) for MMA were characterized the greatest decrease of fat mass by 2,5 %. At the same time, the indicators of athletes` fat-free and active muscle mass of the 1st group practically did not change during the study. The athletes of the 3rd group, using an unusual, in terms of intensity and energy supply, physical exertion (Rа=0,72) for MMA, against the background of a decrease in the level of fat mass by 2,2 %, were defined the increasing in other studied indicators. The athletes` free body mass index at group 3 increases by 4,2 % compared to the initial data. A corresponding positive tendency to increase by 1,9 % was found when monitoring the dynamics of the active body mass index. Athletes of the 2nd group using physical exertion (Rа=0,65), inherent mainly for bodybuilding classes, were characterized of increasing fat-free body mass by 3,4 %. Other controlled indicators testify about a tendency to change. Findings. The high-intensity training regimen (Rа=0,72) in the conditions of the creatine phosphokinase (CPK) mechanism of energy supply at the stage of specialized basic MMA contributes to the most pronounced athletes` body composition indicators changes.
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