Сontemporary Mechanisms of Strength and Conditioning Coaches` Professional Activity Increase
In-depth study and practical use of the heart rate variability in the process of the human body adaptive changes diagnostic during the use of various physical exertion modes allows to improve the level of strength and conditioning fitness coaches` professional activity., heart rate variability, exercise modes, adaptive changes, physical exertionAbstract
Topicality. The level of strength coaches` professional activity improvement by using heart rate variability indicators for expanding the diagnostic methods of the athletes` functional state and assessing adaptive responses to stress. Methods of the Research. To solve the set goal, 40 untrained men aged 18–20 and 20 trained young men engaging in strength fitness for 3 years were involved. Thus, 3 research groups of 20 people each were formed. Representatives of the control and 1st main groups (untrained) and representatives of the 2nd main group (trained) have used various physical exertion modes during the 3 months of the study. To assess the autonomic regulation processes of the cardiovascular system and the state of adaptation mechanisms in the conditions of intense muscle activity, methods of heart rate variability (HRV) were used. The Research Results. At the beginning of the research, it was found that in the control group, the response of the cardiovascular system reflects the most reduced level of resistance to physical exertion of medium intensity and a high-volume training. The use the high-volume training exertion and low intensity in the process of strength fitness training increases the indicator`s parameters of the ultra-low-frequency spectrum of cardio interval oscillations with a simultaneous decrease in the activity of the low-frequency and high-frequency spectrum compared to the data within working in the mode of high intensity and low volume. According to the study HRV results of all participants after three months of training, it was established that the process of long-term strength fitness under the conditions of the specified load regimes has led to the economy of the cardiovascular system functioning. At the finish stage of the research program, the young men of all three experimental groups, in a state of rest, were characterized by a more pronounced prevalence of the ultra low frequency (ULF) as well as less low frequency spectrum (LF) of heart rate oscillations were found compared to the same indicators that were registered at the beginning of the research. Findings. In-depth study and practical use of the heart rate variability in the process of the human body adaptive changes diagnostic during the use of various physical exertion modes allows to improve the level of strength and conditioning fitness coaches` professional activity.
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