Early Specialization and Substantiation of Age for Rhythmic Gymnastics Classes in Context of the Modern Sport


  • Mariia Duka National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • Oksana Shynkaruk National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine




early specialization, rhythmic gymnastics, initial training, starting age, training program


Topicality. According to decreasing starting age of sport and achieving high results in sports connected to complex coordination structure, properly organized initial training becomes of current interest at the modern gymnastics development. The Purpose of the Research is to analyze the coaches` opinion on the issue of early specialization and the program of initial training in rhythmic gymnastics (survey of coaches); to determine motives, goals and objectives of children sports (survey of novice female gymnasts` parents). Stuff and Methods of the Research are analysis of professional scientific and methodological literature sources, research of practical experience in organizing the process of initial training with female gymnasts of preschool age, survey of 51 coaches and 46 parents of female novice gymnasts, methods of mathematical statistics and data generalization. Results of the Research. Various views on the issues of early specialization and approaches to organizing of young athletes` training are considered. 80 % of coaches note the discrepancy between the current rhythmic gymnastics program for sports school and the requirements of modern sport. The main tasks that should be solved in process of female gymnasts` training at the initial stage have been considered. The general physical development of the child, health promotion, achievement of high sport results, correction of physical status, familiarization with the sports and social adaptation are the significant motives for rhythmic gymnastics. The optimal starting age of rhythmic gymnastics, the optimal duration of classes and the number of trainings per week for female gymnasts in different ages have been considered. A discrepancy between the coaches and parents` opinions on the age of girls` prospects in elite sport has been revealed. Conclusions. The need for develop and implement an initial training adapted program in rhythmic gymnastics. A survey of female novice gymnasts` parents made it possible to understand the motives of rhythmic gymnastics classes. When developing a program, it is necessary to consider starting age of classes, motives and features of physical development.


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Olympic and professional sport

How to Cite

Early Specialization and Substantiation of Age for Rhythmic Gymnastics Classes in Context of the Modern Sport. (2021). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 3(55), 90-102. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2021-03-90-102

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