Peculiarities of Expression of Personal Qualities of Sportsmen of Different Gender in Football
gender characteristics, gender roles and stereotypes, women's sports, personal qualities, athletesAbstract
Introduction. For the quality management of training, it is important to consider not only the anatomical, somatic, physiological, biochemical, age differences between men and women, but also the difference between male and female psychology. The purpose of the study is to determine the personality traits of qualified athletes in football, depending on their gender. Methods and organization – theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, materials of the Internet, methods of psychological diagnostics, methods of mathematical statistics. Qualified athletes (16 men from one of the Major League football teams; 23 women from the Ukrainian national football team) participated in the study. Results. Gender differences in the personality traits of skilled football players have been determined, determined by innate gender characteristics: the predominance in men of the neurodynamic property of inhibition, and in women of excitement; Extraversion rates (20,7 – women, 15,6 – men) and neuroticism (19,4 – women, 10,6 – men); an indicator of the effectiveness of attention work in football players (692,4) and 627,4 in men; skilled female football players have a higher level of motivation to succeed; the level of motivation aimed at avoiding failure in male athletes 15,4; 13,4 – women. 48 % of football players and 56 % of football players have violations of the actual psychophysiological condition of the athlete due to various reasons - from difficulties in relation to the load transfer, the need to use volitional efforts to perform the planned training tasks (13 % – women; 19 % – men) to the urgent need to restore the systems of the body of the athlete, orientation on self-preservation, reduction of active training activity, need of rest, accumulation of energy reserves, strengthening of anabolic, assimilatory processes (35 % – of women; 37 % – male). Conclusions. Sports activities in football dictate their requirements for the presence, the required level of formation and the degree of expression of a certain professionally significant personality trait of a qualified athlete/athlete, which requires a certain level of personal readiness of qualified footballers/football players at the stage of maintaining sports achievements.
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