The State of the Adolescents` Central Hemodynamics Depending on Sports Specialization
athletes, physical condition, central hemodynamic, types of hemodynamicAbstract
Topicality of the research is further studying the complex effects of physical activity and physique of young athletes to diagnose the circulatory system, which will assess the level of readiness for training and competitive physical loads. The Aim of the Research is to study the features of male-athletes` central hemodynamics depending on sports specialization. The Research Methods. Analysis of scientific resources; methods of anthropometry, rheography and methods of mathematical statistics. The Research Results. The topicality has been substantiated. The domestic and foreign authors` research papers on the issues of the young athletes` physique engaged in speed, strength and endurance exercises have been analysed and summarized. The peculiarities of central hemodynamics of studied persons (on the example of game sports and athletics) have been analysed, the male-athletes` hemodynamics type in different sports specialization has been also investigated. Conclusions. The analysis of cardiovascular parameters revealed adaptive changes in cardiac activity and blood circulation in general during long-term exercises, which consists of the formation of functional sports bradycardia with a simultaneous increase in inotropic heart function and volumetric circulation. The obtained research data of athletes testify to the cardiovascular system`s economy.
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