Computer Stabilometry in the Assessment of Functional State of Humans


  • Yuriy Lyakh Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Oksana Usova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Alona Romaniuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Viktoria Melnychuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Marуna Lyakh Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Andriy Antipov Blokhin-Bilanov Football School



postulography, stabilography, functional state, artificial feedback


Topicality. Computer stabilometry is used to investigate the functional system of equilibrium maintenance. The method has a wide range of applications such as evaluation of the restoration of musculoskeletal system functions after prosthetisation, diagnosis of vestibular disorders, substantiation of verticalization criteria for patients with acute myocardial infarction, clarification and optimization of motor activity. It is also a mandatory component of the monitoring system in the regenerative treatment of patients with hemiparetic form of cerebral palsy. In sport studies, stabilometry is used to get general information about the athlete's condition, to perform an accurate analysis of separate actions, to monitor the form, to evaluate objectively the individual typological characteristics of each athlete, to monitor the functional state of the athlete. Study Objective. To study the features of computer stabilometry taking into account the length of the stabilograms recording for the assessment of the functional state, on anexample of males, aged 16–17 years. Research Methods. The study was performed on male subjects aged 16–17 years. Stabilograms were recorded using a stabilometric platform. Results. The analysis of stabilometry parameters in the subjects surveyed using artificial feedback showed a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) between the two segments of the record (0–30 and 30–60 s) of the stabilograms of all the surveyed indicators except the root-mean-square deviation of the projection of the center of mass position in the mediolateral plane. During the analysis of the stabilometry parameters in the closed eyes tests, the statistically significant difference (p<0,05) between the two segments of the record (0–30 and 30–60 s) was found for the stabilograms of all surveyed indicators except the root-mean-square deviation of the projection of the center position mass in the anteroposterior plane. The analysis of the stabilometry results in the open-eyes tests was characterized by finding no statistically significant difference between the records of 0–30 and 30–60 s duration. Conclusions. It is established an increase in the length of the stabilograms in the subjects under examination with closed eyes compared with the open eyes. It can be regarded as certain features of the functional state due to the predominance of the structure of movements with the support of the vertical posture, a large number of small high frequency oscillations, is therefore necessary for  consideration  an assessment of the functional state of the organism. During the tests with artificial feedback and open-eye tests (0–30 s), statistically significant higher values of the length of the stabilograms in the subjects were noted, indicating inclusion in the process of cognitive functions. Thus, an open-ended test (0–30 s) is informative for an assessment of the functional state of the individuals.


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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Computer Stabilometry in the Assessment of Functional State of Humans. (2019). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(46), 66-72.