Physical development of professional single and double kayakers and canoers racing different distances


  • Vladimir Davydov Polessky State University
  • Vladimir Shantarovich National kayaking and canoeing team of the Republic of Belarus
  • Dmitry Prigodich Polessky State University



physical development, rowers sprinters, rowers stayers


The research relevance. In modern conditions of rowing sport development, rowers with higher morphofunctional parameters reach the finals of major competitions. There is direct dependence between the morphological indicators and the achievement level. The higher are the physical development parameters, the higher, is the result. Long-distance rowers are inferior to sprinters in their physical development. The research aims to analyze the parameters of morphofunctional state of sportsmen engaged in racing. The study included professional kayakers and canoers of both sexes aged 19-26 years. A total of 160 rowers of both sexes were surveyed. The research organization and methods. The complex examination included anthropometric measurements of physical development (length and weight of the body, chest circumference, and absolute body surface). The research results. In singles and team boats of double kayaks and canoes (men and women) at 200 meters distance, the best indicators of physical development have honoured masters of sports (HMS), the lowest - masters of sports (MS). The same tendency is observed in singles at 500 meters distance; the greatest indicators of physical development have HMS athletes, the lowest – MS athletes; international class masters of sports (ICMS) have the highest indicators of physical development in the class of double canoers. In singles and doubles at 1000 meters distance, the highest rates in kayakers of both sexes were observed in HMS athletes, the lowest - in MS athletes; the highest rates of physical development in canoeing were observed in ICMS athletes. Conclusions. Based on the obtained data, the level of morphofunctional state of the studied athletes was determined. Accounting these results will allow to assess the perspective capabilities of athletes racers and most rationally plan their long-term training.


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Olympic and professional sport

How to Cite

Physical development of professional single and double kayakers and canoers racing different distances. (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2 (50), 85-92.

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