The Relative Composition of the Body Mass of Highly Skilled Rowers and Their Relationship with Sports Results
rowing, kayak, fat and muscle mass, distanceAbstract
Topicality. The definition of body composition is important in sports and is used by coaches and sports doctors in the selection and optimization of the training regime in the preparation for the competition. The purpose of the work is to study the components of the body weight of highly skilled kayak rowers and the relationship of measurement data with the results of performances. Materials and Methods. A total of 76 sportsmen were examined, including 44 men and 32 women. To determine fat, muscle and bone mass, the formulas of Y. Matejka and E. G. Martirosov. Results. When comparing the indicators, it was found that the group of MSMC and ZMS have better results than the group of MS and KMS, both in terms of the time of passage of the 200-meter distance, and in terms of body weight composition. The indices of relative muscle mass between a group of ZMS and MSIC and a group of MS and MMR differences are significantly significant (p<0,05). Reliably significant correlation coefficients between competition result women videocnet group of ZMS and MSIC. At the 500-meter distance, athletes of the group of PMS and MSMC showed significant differences between the relative muscle mass and sports results (p<0,05). At the same distance in female kayakers differences are statistically significant in terms of relative fat and muscle mass (p<0,05). At a distance of 1000 m athletes of the group of ZMS and MSMC on all indicators exceed the group of MS and KMS, but the differences are not reliable (p>0,05). A similar trend is in men, performing at a distance of 5000 m, where athletes of the group of ZMS and MSMC in all indicators exceed the group of MS and KMS, but the differences are not significant (p>0,05). At a distance of 5000 m, there were differences in the relative body fat, muscle and bone mass of women of both groups, but no statistically significant differences were found (p>0,05). Conclusions. It is noted that the group of MSMC and ZMS, both in men and women at a distance of 200 m, in all components of the body mass composition exceed the group of MS and CMC. Statistically significant correlation coefficient was revealed. It is revealed that at a distance of 500 m the best indicators are athletes of msmk group and ZMS, both in men and women. Correlation coefficients are reliable between the sports result and bone mass index in the same group. At a distance of 1000 m the best values have athletes group msmk and ZMS, but the values are not statistically reliable. The correlation coefficient is reliable only between the sports result and the fat mass index. It is revealed that the group of MSMC and ZMS, both in men and women, have better results than the group of MS and KMS, both in terms of the passage of the 5000-meter distance and in terms of body weight composition. The differences are not reliable.
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