The Structure and Level of Physical Activity of Students of Higher Education Institutions
physical activity, IPAQ, students, institutions of higher educationAbstract
Relevance. The urgency of the research is determined by the contradiction between the positive effect of desirable physical activity on the effective functioning of organism and the low level of its formation in the students. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure and level of physical activity of students in higher education. Methods. An international enquire of physical activity methodology (IPAQ) was used. In general, 1,160 students (323 boys and 837 girls) participated in the pedagogical study of 1–4 courses of the in-person form of education of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. Results. The majority of respondents (57 %) have a low level of physical activity. 30 % of teenagers have an average level of physical activity and only 13 % have a high level. It was found that the high level of physical activity is the lowest among freshmen. The level of physical activity practically does not change and does not significantly affect the number of students’ locomotion, in the process of learning. The specialty, which was chosen, does not significantly affect the level of physical activity of young people. The factors, which exhibit a peculiar effect on the usual level of physical activity, belong to the place of birth and residence of students. The largest number of people with a high level of locomotor activity was indicated by a large city (16,4 %). The low level of physical activity is demonstrated by students from villages and small towns (65 % and 59,1 %, consequently). Conclusions. The established level of physical activity is inadequate and does not help maintain the proper functional state of the organism. The training effect has a high level of physical activity, which includes independent or specially organized physical exercises. This component of physical activity is only in the compulsory physical exercises. If there are no such activities, then there is no high level of physical activity.
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