Conceptual Bases Formation of Students` Motor Skills in the Process of Non-Audition Physical Classes


  • Olexandr Sabirov National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Vasyl Pantik Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



students, formation of motor skills, non-audition classes, physical education, technique of physical exercises


Actuality. The formation of skills to perform motor actions, their transformation into skills of a higher order is a long and complicated process. The study of its regulataries is an important issue of the students` physical education. Research Aim is to develop the conceptual foundations for the formation of students` motor skills in the process of non-audition physical classes. Methods and Organization of Research: analysis and synthesis of literary sources, method of analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, generalization method. Research Results. Teaching of technical device should be carried out in accordance with pedagogical tasks and stages of training. At the first stage, on the basis of creating the visual and logical mode of motion, there is an initial study of the technique of motor action, which corresponds to the stage of forming the ability to reproduce the technique of action in a general form. The second stage is characterized by an in-depth and detailed study. Accordingly, there was a refinement of motor skills, which turned into a skill. At the third stage, consolidation and improvement of motor activity are ensured, resulting which is the formation of motor skills and skills of higher order. Conclusions. The formation of students` motor skills in the process of non-audition physical classes are carried out by means of: increasing of students` physical training; wide use of imitational, special and competitive physical exercises; optimization of the structure of movements when performing technical techniques; increase the accuracy and speed of the result when performing technical techniques; an increase of the arsenal of variants of technical techniques and methods, the formation of the ability to move freely from one movement to another; stable and effective performance of the techniques during the influence of factors hindering the exercise or during the active opposition of the opponent; performance of technical techniques with high efficiency during fatigue or high mental tension; the formation of individual technique in accordance with the morphofunctional and mental characteristics of students; use of technical techniques in sporting activity in accordance with game and tactical tasks.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

Conceptual Bases Formation of Students` Motor Skills in the Process of Non-Audition Physical Classes. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 1(41), 36-45.

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