Evaluating of Physical Preparedness Among Young Students Aged 18–20


  • Yuriy Furman Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi
  • Vyacheslav Miroshnichenko Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi
  • Oleksandra Brezdeniuk Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi




males, females, physical preparedness, standards


Topicality. First results of testing attested that by individual tests considerable amount of students (more than 50 % of under studies) cannot carry out minimal standards. Such incompetence may appear because of using inadequate methods of development of evaluation criteria. The Goal of the Research consisted in development of the standards of physical readiness’ evaluation among young students aged 18–20. Methods of the  Research. The indices of students’ physical readiness were determined by the method of pedagogic testing. We carried out an analysis of the accordance of valid standards with the current state of young students’ physical readiness. Using the “three-sigmarule” were developedes timated standards of physical preparedness. On the basis of the data, which were determined by the research of the large quantity of a similar quota, we suggest evaluating the result which agrees with the arithmetic mean of the excerpt () as the mark «3». The marks «4» and «2» are the result which agrees with the values +1σ і -1σ. The marks «5» and «1» are the result which agrees with the value +2σ і -2σ. Results of the Research. Were developed standards of the evaluation of physical readiness which correspond to the level of physical preparedness of modern youth. Conclusions. On the basis of the testing’s results of the level of students ‘physical readiness (year 2017) we have ascertained that more than a half of the results by particular standards doesn’t exceed the minimal mark. It indicates that the present methodology for the evaluation of the 18-20 aged youth’ physical readiness doesn’t allow evaluating the physical qualities impartially. The suggested methodology of the standards’ working out is based on the «three-sigma rule». The standards for the evaluation of physical readiness worked out by the author’s methodology ensure the opportunity for around 95 % of the students to accomplish the tests within the limits of the evaluative scale.


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Physical culture, physical education of different age group population

How to Cite

Evaluating of Physical Preparedness Among Young Students Aged 18–20. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(42), 86-90. https://doi.org/10.29038/2220-7481-2018-02-86-90