The Contents of the Fitness Program of the Force Orientation Depending on the Individual Features of the Students Body Structure


  • Liudmyla Vashchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Vasyl Pantik Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



students, fitness programs, strength, body structure


The Relevance of the Research. Despite the myriad of innovations in the system of physical education in higher education, in practice the existing physical education programs are somewhat outdated and full of sports, which are poorly popular among students, oriented towards professional or military-applied and physical training, delivery of control standards that require a certain level of physical training, rather than focusing on the correction of the physical condition of youth and the identification and elimination of the disadvantages of the existing system of physical education, taking into account the interest and motivating students. Interesting is the fact that the number of hours for this training is not provided for by the program, and most of the higher educational institutions in our country deviate from the classical system of physical education. Therefore, in our opinion, it is expedient to use sports, taking into account, in the first place, the interest and motivation of youth, which will provide a high level of moral satisfaction from occupations.

 An effective mean of attracting students to systematic motor activity is the implementation of new, non-traditional physical exercises. Fitness is a great potential for physically improving of the students. The aim of the Research is to develop the content of the fitness programs of the force orientation depending on the individual features of the students body structure. The Results of the Work. It is established that the basis of fitness is the fitness program, which is characterized by a set of specially selected physical exercises aimed at a comprehensive or selective effects on body systems or parts of the body, depending on the morphological and functional individual abilities. The program should be clearly defined type (or direction) of motor activity or a combination of exercises, intensity of exercises, exercises duration, rest peculiarities, the number of classes a week, the rate of increase in load during the week or the month. Implementation of the power exercises provided for the use of different movements, not only with encumbrances, but also on special simulators and the own weight. Conclusions. For the students with an asthenic body structure the exercises power orientation to increase body weigh, circumference of the body, improvement of the indicators of muscle tone were recommended. Students of the giperstenic structure of the body performed exercises for reducing body mass, the circles of body parts and the fat component. Physical loads of the normostenic body type representatives directed at improving muscle tone, decreased growth rates of the body weight and reducing of the circumference of the pelvis.


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Technologies of education in physical training

How to Cite

The Contents of the Fitness Program of the Force Orientation Depending on the Individual Features of the Students Body Structure. (2018). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2(42), 25-32.