Modern Approaches to the Сharacterization of the Term «Health»


  • Serhiy Tsymbaliuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


health, health management, health formation, potential health, approaches to the definition of health


Actuality. The problem of determining the health essence, its formation and preservation is one of the basic, fundamental problems of humanity, it has been and will always be exist. The desire to increase its level necessitates ongoing review the question of formation of health, the search more effective health systems and techniques, the development of new health saving technologies. The aim of the work – a systematic approach to defining the essence of health, to identify the factors of its formation. The results of the work. The essence of the «health» concept and its interpretation by different scientists was considered. Substantiated that a mandatory component of the formation of health is to define the objectives and orientation of all activities on the desired result, which is to achieve the necessary level of the potential health. Alleged that the education is the starting link of the health formation process, which is acting on the behavior of the man and his lifestyle, defines the level of the potential health. Conclusions. Was allocated three basic approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «health»: narrow; complex; strategically oriented. The presence of the goals of health formation and the recognition health as a value, that is influenced by a variety of factors, gives grounds to consider health as an object of management. For the first time offered to enter into scientific circulation the concept of the «potential health», that is the result of purposeful health management and its orientation to achieve an appropriate level in the future.

Author Biography

  • Serhiy Tsymbaliuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



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Therapeutic physical training, sports medicine and physical rehabilitation

How to Cite

Modern Approaches to the Сharacterization of the Term «Health». (2017). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 4(36), 88-94.