Educational Component «Theory and Methodology of Physical Education» as a Stimulate Factor for a Healthy Lifestyle
university, students, knowledge, questionnaire, theory and methodology, physical educationAbstract
The theory and methodology of physical education includes the study of the population’ physical development, taking into account age, gender and the physical fitness level; physiology and psychology; pedagogy and teaching methods, taking into account various scope of activity. Look into various aspects of human physical development, such as motor skills, coordination, strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, etc. The Purpose of the Study is – to develop and analyze a questionnaire for checking the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the subject «Theory and methods of physical education» for students of the specialty 017 «Physical Culture and Sports» the third-year education. Experimental Technique: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, lesson observation method, questionnaire method, mathematical statistics method. The study was performed during the 2022–2023 academic year on the Zaporizhia Polytechnic National University, at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Management with students of the specialty 017 «Physical Culture and Sports» the third-year education. 71 students took part in the study – 18 girls and 53 boys. Results. The obtained data showed that the college kids, as always, strives to obtain quality knowledge and develop in various scope of activity for the maximum realization their potential. 69 % learned to analyze and recommend physical exercises to improve the physical education process; 28 % plan to combine their life with scientific workflows; 56 % finally chose a profession related in the sphere of physical education and sports. Conclusion. Therefore, considering the educative process and special aspects of the subject «Theory and methods of physical education», it can be concluded that students who study this subject within the framework of specialty 017 «Physical culture and sport» will be able to realize their potential in various scope of activity.
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