Origins and development of kinesitherapy in France (1847-1914)


  • Myroslava Danylevych Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after I. Boberskiy
  • Olha Romanchuk Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after I. Boberskiy
  • Rostyslav Koval Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after I. Boberskiy
  • Markiyan Stefanyshyn Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after I. Boberskiy



massage, gymnastics, history, development, rehabilitation, movement


Introduction. The paper relevance lies in the expediency of studying the directions of rehabilitation development in those countries which are recognized as leaders in this field today. The aim of the article is to analyze the history and formation of the origins of kinesitherapy in France in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The research addressed the following objectives: studying the peculiarities of the origin and development of kinesitherapy in France in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, preconditions for the establishment of the Society of Kinesitherapy (Société de kinésithérapie / SDK) in Paris in 1900 and its activity, identification of specialists who had the greatest impact on the specified processes, as well as the reasons why kinesitherapy methods did not gain widespread popularity at the time.  The complex of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical (historical typological and historical systemic) research methods were used to adresss the set goal and solve the research tasks. Results. Kinesitherapy originated in France in the second half of the nineteenth century. According to the experts of that time, it was a treatment / therapy with movement and massage. Among the modern researchers of the kinesitherapy history, first of all, we single out Jacques Monet and Rémi Remondière. The active formation of this trend dates back to the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries, when the Society of Kinesitherapy was established in Paris in 1900. Horace Stapfer, Just Lucas Championnière, Jules Étienne Marey, Fernand Lagrange, René Mesnard, Maurice Marchais had the greatest influence on its development in the specified time period. The original quintessence of their activity was publication of the work "Manuel pratique de Kinésithérapie" in 1912. The ambiguity of the term "kinésithérapie" and its rivalry with the term "cinésithérapie", the lack of a university education system, competition with other trends, physiotherapy, in particular, are considered among the reasons why kinesitherapy has not become widespread.


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Historical, philosophical, juristic and organizational problems of physical culture

How to Cite

Origins and development of kinesitherapy in France (1847-1914). (2020). Physical Education, Sport and Health Culture in Modern Society, 2 (50), 13-19.