Historical Aspects of Sports Development for Persons with Disabilities in France
sports for disabled, person with disabilities, history, development, FranceAbstract
Topicality. Today in France, sports for people with disabilities are highly developed. This is facilitated by the effective laws, ancient traditions of physical education and sports among disabled persons, functioning of special organizations. The Purpose of the Research is to present the history of sports for people with disabilities in France, to determine key dates and to identify people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the field. To solve the tasks, a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special-historical (historical-typological and historical-systemic) Research Methods has been used. Results and Conclusions. One of the important factors that influenced the organization of sports for disabled people in France was the consequences of the two world wars. Officials were well aware of the critical need to recover people from injury due to sports as an effective tool. A significant contribution to the sports development for people with disabilities in France was made by Eugène Rubens-Alcais, Pierre Bernhard, André Trannoy, Philippe Berthe, Pierre Volait, Marcel Avronsart, André Auberger, Yves Nayme, Gérard Masson, Monique Pasqualini. The following dates are key ones in the sports history: creation of the French Sports Federation for the Deaf and Dumb (1918); the Olympic Games for the Deaf in Paris and the establishment of the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (1924); the Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities in France (1954); the National Institute of Sport, Expertise, and Performance, INSEP (1975); the French Disabled Sport Federation, FFH (1977); Winter Deaflympics in Meribel, France (1979); Winter Paralympic Games in Albertville in France and founding of French Paralympic and Sports Committee (1992); the Eugène Rubens-Alcais International Committee of Sports for the Deaf Committee (2010). The obtained results give the possibility of expanding specialized training courses in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
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